Tag Archives: trick riding

Pickles gets mistaken for a horse…

When its time to give the horses their second feeding, Pickles the pig is always right there waiting for her share. All the horses are eating….no horses available….so what do you do when you want to ride?   Wait…there’s Pickles….    Pickles has finished her food. Pickles?  Yes, Pickles!  …not super comfortable….. …..very fussy and noisy…. […]

Dairy Queen Commercial…

Relish, our little pet sow,  likes Dairy Queen Malts. If she happens to catch you drinking one…   …….She will make sure you share………….ALL of it!…… ……….every last drop………………..all gone……   …………YUM!….. …..How can you resist that face?…… I bet all pigs like Dairy Queen Malts….

What’s better than riding bareback….?

Riding bareback is great. It’s nice not to have to bother with a saddle and just hop on a horse….. What’s better than riding bareback?     Riding double bareback…. ….on a goofy Tennessee Walker. Riding with REALLY dirty feet and a soda in your hand…. ….like Montana and Mark…. (and, yes, Delight, our Walker, […]

What we do when we’re not busy….

We lie on a picnic table and stare off into the distance…..like Mae…   We sit on Willow as she meanders to the hay ring … …like Mark and Montana….     We kick off our boots and practice being stunt riders in socks…. …like Josh and Olivia…. on Casanova and Valentino, our Paso Fino […]